Excursion: Time for more fast-growing broadleaves in Dalarna?


9:00 AM


Trees For Me invites you to an excursion on regeneration and stand management with a focus on fast-growing broadleaf trees (birch, hybrid aspen and poplar).

The excursion is held in Siljansfors in Dalarna.

Programme items

  • Regeneration and management of birch
  • Browsing and other damage in birch stands
  • Regeneration of hybrid aspen and poplar on forest land
  • Mixed forests with spruce and birch
  • Do the forest owners want to plant fast-growing broadleaves?

Detailed programme, practical information and registration

The excursion is open for all, so please spread to others potentially interested.

The presentations are held in both Swedish and English.

Registration, programme and practical information (in Swedish) - via Ungapped

Page manager: stina.johannesson@slu.se
