Innovative forestry in Västra Götaland - reduce risks and increase profitability

10/2/2024 12:00 PM – 10/3/2024 1:30 PM

Flämslätt & Remningstorp

Arena Skog invites you to a forestry conference with a focus on innovative ideas about how to increase the profitability and reduce the risks in forestry with fast-growing broadleaves, site adaptation and remote sensing - now and in the future. Trees For Me researchers are part of the programme.

The programme raises questions about today's and future forestry with a focus on Västra Götaland, through presentations by, for example, Skogforsk, SLU and Trees For Me. During the second day, an excursion is held in Remningstorp focused on topics such as fast-growing broadleaves, bark beetle damage and remote sensing.

The conference is targeting forest owners, professionals, students and the general public in Västra Götaland.

The conference is held in Swedish.

Limited number of places - please register as soon as possible but no later than 22 September.

More information and registration

Detailed programme and registration link at the Arena Skog website (in Swedish) -

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