Webinar: Forest management and tree species diversification in Finland


2:00 PM


Jari Hynynen and Saija Huuskonen from the Natural Resources Institute (Luke) in Finland present the latest news from their projects focusing on forestry and silviculture with different goals and strategies.

The webinar is held in two parts:

The Effects of Alternative Forest Management Strategies on Carbon Sequestration and Wood Production in Finnish Forests

Presentation by Jari Hynynen, Research Professor at the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)

Forests are expected to provide multiple ecosystem services simultaneously, including wood production, carbon mitigation, biodiversity, and profitability. However, these objectives may sometimes conflict with one another. What are the effects of extended rotations or increasing tree species diversity? Jari Hynynen will present a synthesis of recent studies conducted in Finland on these topics.

About Jari Hynynen and his research - luke.fi

Alternatives to Silver Birch for Increasing Tree Species Diversification in Forest Management

Presentation by Saija Huuskonen, Principal Researcher at the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)

Silver birch can be cultivated in planted stands or as part of a natural mixture with spruce. In recent years, significant research has focused on mixed forest management, including the cultivation of planted silver birch in Finland. Saija Huuskonen will summarize the latest findings related to silver birch and, more broadly, the general effects of tree species diversification on growth, yield, and forest management.

About Saija Huuskonen and her research - luke.fi

Date and time

29 November at 14.00-15.15 (Stockholm, CET)

Meeting link and more information

The webinar is held in English, online via Teams, and is open for anyone interested.

Meeting link in Teams

Meeting-ID: 390 310 644 588

Password: HymzkN

Page manager: stina.johannesson@slu.se
