Four out of ten forest owners say they consider planting genetically improved birch within a 10-year period, and the interest increases with a lar...
Spruce and pine is normally in focus when assessing pine weevil damage. Preliminary results by PhD student Sezer Olivia Kaya however show that plan...
How can genomic selection contribute to improving breeding of forest trees? In the research project of Pilar Herrera Egoavil, genetic approaches ar...
Findings of early flowering in young birch seedlings surprises the researchers at Skogforsk affiliated with Trees For Me. PhD student Giovanni Bozz...
Trees For Me’s study trip to Luleå and Piteå emphasized the great need for biomass in the sustainable transition of the steel, metal and other indu...
Site preparation seems to benefit birch seedlings, according to Trees For Me’s PhD student Kinga Stolarek who investigates how to facilitate the in...
Trees For Me's work for more fast-growing broadleaves in Swedish forests continues to generate great interest from the forest sector.
Do the birch seedlings really have to be that big? In a new field experiment, researchers will evaluate what size of birch seedlings to produce and...
The increased use of broadleaf trees in Swedish forestry may bring new and yet undiscovered pests. A wood borer insect known as the bronze birch bo...
What are the key drivers and hinders for innovations based on fast-growing broadleaves? And what makes these innovations more or less successful? T...
To what extent are private forest owners in Sweden willing to increase the use of fast-growing broadleaves and what factors affect such decisions?...
A birch was given the honor of cutting the opening ribbon. Skogforsk's newly inaugurated and eight-metre high greenhouse in Ekebo, which will also...
The challenges in the development of sustainable and more climate resilient forestry are in many ways similar in the Nordic and Baltic countries. T...
The global demand for bioenergy has increased the focus on how to produce and use biomass for energy and other purposes in a sustainable way. In a...
Skogforsk is increasing the rate of improved birch for forestry, through an investment of approximately SEK 18 million in a new and unique greenhou...
Trees For Me has been nominated for the marketing award Guldvargen in the category Brand of the Year.
What potential do fast-growing broadleaf trees have and how does academia, industry and forest owners view the use of these tree species in forestr...
Many agree that the large proportion of spruce and pine in Swedish forestry needs to be complemented with more broadleaf trees, to make the forests...
The energy supply and consumption has been a hot discussion topic among policy-makers, the industry and people in general during the last year. In...
Between 7-19 of December governmental and organisational representatives meet at the UN conference COP15 in Montreal, Canada, to negotiate a new fr...
Autonomous forest planting has the potential to be both more cost-effective and more considerate of different ecosystem services compared to manual...
Increasing problems with windthrow, bark beetle damage, and root rot has led to a risen interest in finding alternatives to spruce and to increase...